The Shapermint Crew is a diverse community of Shapermint ambassadors. Up next in our #ShapermintCrewLove Series is one of our Shapermint Crew Brand Ambassadors, Jennifer Rose Stevens. Read on to discover how Shapermint helped her feel confident and empowered!
You’re one of our Brand Ambassadors, part of the Shapermint Crew! What inspired you to join the Crew?
I joined because Shapermint promotes body positivity, and that is something that I have always struggled with myself.
What do you enjoy most about being on the Crew?
I enjoy the sense of community. Women who are here to promote a judge-free zone.
How do you want to shape change with us?
If I can make one girl/woman look in the mirror and feel good about their body as it is then I have created the change I wanted to create!
How do you define body positivity?
Body positivity is knowing your worth despite what the scale says, what size jeans you are wearing. You are more than a size! - Jennifer
How does Shapermint help you celebrate your shape?
When I wear it and those jeans glide on a little easier, something just happens to my confidence!
Self-love is especially important. Do you have any particular rituals or routines that spark self-love?
Self-care can be anything from making myself a hot cup of tea to a full-on spa day. My soul needs different things to feel loved, it's not always the same.
We absolutely love the fact that you use social media as a liberating force to celebrate body positivity and other movers & shapers out there. Are there any women on social media who inspire you to be your best self?
Neoitgirl is a huge inspiration to me to always be my true self.
What is your favorite Shapermint essential? How do you like to style it?
I definitely love the bodysuit! A nice pair of jeans and a cardigan and "m out the door. Chef's Kiss kinda outfit!
When was the last time you tried something new that you thought you couldn’t do? Can you share more?
Younger girls should know that they are beautiful the way they are, and the days they need a little boost whether it's makeup or a Shapermint piece or a walk on the treadmill to feel empowered there is nothing wrong with that. We all need a little help to feel our best some days and that’s ok.
Looking in front of the mirror, what would you want to tell yourself?
You do not need to try to be more than you already are!
Where can our readers connect with you?
Instagram: @jenniferosemakeup
Join us in our mission to spread love and inspiration. Click this link to become a part of our Crew.
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