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Shapermint Reviews

Your opinion is important to us! Our customers' voices
shape us to be better in everything we do.

On this page, you’ll find honest reviews and ratings about the products in our store, our service,
and our customers’ shopping experience.

We hope to see you join millions of women celebrating their shape and wearing confidence all day, every day.

Shapermint Reviews

Your opinion is important to us!
Our customers' voices shape us to
be better in everything we do.

shapermint review

On this page, you’ll find honest reviews
and ratings about the products in our store,
our service, and our customers’
shopping experience.

We hope to see you join millions of women
celebrating their shape and wearing
confidence all day, every day.

What’s the buzz?

eatthecaketoo shapermint review

The days of painful, uncomfortable,
and restricting shapewear are over!
@shapermint is dedicated to helping us
all embrace our bodies with
comfortable essentials.


fromyelitza shapermint review

It’s important for me to wear
things that make me feel confident.
And even better wear a brand
that actually empowers you
for being you!


stephporterbrown shapermint review

Slowly but surely learning to love my body
in every season! The key is to be cute and
comfortable in whatever clothes I put on.
@shapermint makes it easy to be confident
with body-positive shapewear


stylinbycristina shapermint review

I have to confess I do struggle with accepting
my postpartum body. Shapewear has been my
postpartum body best friend! @shapermint is
the essentials brand that will make you feel
great and comfortable at the same time


nicolekayfitness shapermint review

One of the reasons I’ve been loving shapewear
from @shapermint is because it forms perfectly
to my body regardless of the stage I’m in.
(Feeling bloated, etc) You’ll fall in loveeeeee
with the comfort and versatility of the sets.


shapermint review

And more than 75,000 in store reviews

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